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Vision Sciences Laboratory
Department of Psychology
Harvard University
33 Kirkland Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

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  Slowed Colour Motion
  Mobile Computation: Nonretinotopic Processing of motion,
    color, crowding, binocular rivalry, but not masking
  Spatiotopic motion aftereffects. Not
  Spatiotopic tilt aftereffects. Not
  Spatiotopic face aftereffects. Not
  Spatiotopic Apparent Motion
  Shadows must be darker

   Spatiotopy Workshop 2008

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I received a Bachelor of Engineering in Communications from McGill University, Montreal in 1968. An interest in artificial intelligence led to a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from Carnegie-Mellon in 1972. I taught at the Université de Montréal in Psychology until 1989 and since then I have been at the Department of Psychology at Harvard. I recently joined the faculty at the Université Paris Descartes and changed my status at Harvard to a Research Professor. My earliest interests centered on short-term memory and neural models of associative memory and these projects evolved into my research in vision. Current projects examine the contribution of various features such as shadow, color, motion, and texture to representations of form, the nature of internal codes for shape, how these codes are stored and how they guide the construction of internal models of the three-dimensional world.

I am also interested in the role of attention in selecting or creating visual representations and in particular in the idea of attentional sprites as animation agents for understanding motions of familiar objects.


Some Publications

van Vugt, F. T., & Cavanagh, P. (2012). Response trajectories reveal conflict phase in image-word mismatch. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, online. download pdf file

Yeh, S.-L., He, S., & Cavanagh, P. (2012). Semantic priming from crowded words. Psychological Science, in press.

Allard, R. & Cavanagh, P. (2011) Crowding in a detection task: External noise triggers change in processing strategy. Vision Research, 51, 408-416. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (2011). Visual cognition. Vision Research, 13, 1538-1551. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P., & He, S. (2011). Attention mechanisms for counting in stabilized and dynamic displays. In Elizabeth Brannon and Stanislas Dehaene (Eds.), Space Time and Number, Attention & Performance XXIV, Oxford University Press, in press. download pdf file

Hunt, A. R., & Cavanagh, P. (2011). Remapped visual masking. Journal of Vision, 11(1):13, 1-8. download pdf file

Melcher, D. & Cavanagh, P. (2011) Pictorial cues in art and in visual perception. In Francesca Bacci and David Melcher (Eds.), Art and the senses. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 359-394. download pdf file

Perdreau, F. & Cavanagh, P. (2011). Do artists see their retinas? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5:171.

Rolfs, M., Jonikaitis, D., Deubel, H., & Cavanagh, P. (2011). Predictive remapping of attention across eye movements. Nature Neuroscience, in press. download pdf file

Stanley, J., Forte, J., Cavanagh, P., & Carter, O. (2011). Onset rivalry: the initial dominance phase is independent of ongoing perceptual alternations. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5:140, 1-9.

Szinte, M. & Cavanagh, P. (2011). Spatiotopic apparent motion reveals local variations in space constancy. Journal of Vision, 11 (2):4, 1-20. download pdf file

Toba, M. N., Cavanagh, P., & Bartolomeo, P. (2011). Attention biases the perceived midpoint of horizontal lines. Neuropsychologia, 49, 238-246. download pdf file

Tse, P. U., Whitney, D., Anstis, S., & Cavanagh, P. (2011). Voluntary attention modulates motion-induced mislocalization. Journal of Vision, 11(3):12, 1-7. download pdf file

Vaziri Pashkam, M., & Cavanagh, P. (2011). Effect of speed overestimation on flash lag effect at low luminance. i-Perception, 2(9) 1063–1075. download pdf file

Afraz, A., Vaziri-Pashkam M. & Cavanagh, P. (2010). Spatial heterogeneity in the perception of face and form attributes . Current Biology, 20(23), 2112-2116. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P., Hunt, A. R., Afraz, A., & Rolfs, M. (2010). Attention Pointers: Response to Mayo and Sommer. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14(9), 390-391. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P., Hunt, A. R., Afraz, A., & Rolfs, M. (2010). Attentional Pointers: Response to Melcher. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14(9), 474-475. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P., Hunt, A.R., Afraz, A., & Rolfs, M. (2010). Visual stability based on remapping of attention pointers. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14, 147-153. download pdf file

Knapen, T., Rolfs, M., Wexler, M., & Cavanagh, P. (2010). The reference frame of the tilt aftereffect. Journal of Vision, 10(1:8), 1-13. download pdf file

Afraz, S.R., & Cavanagh, P. (2009). The gender-specific face aftereffect is based in retinotopic not spatiotopic coordinates across several natural image transformations. Journal of Vision, 9(10:4), 1-9. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (2009). All's jazzy and unstable on the colour front: the impact of Gregory's pioneering paper on vision at equiluminance. Perception, 38, 831-832. download pdf file

Chakravarthi, R., & Cavanagh, P. (2009). Recovery of a crowded object by masking the flankers: Determining the locus of feature integration. Journal of Vision, 9(10:4), 1-9. download pdf file

Chakravarthi, R., & Cavanagh, P. (2009). Bilateral field advantage in visual crowding. Vision Research, 49, 1638-1646. download pdf file

Collins, T., Rolfs, M., Deubel, H., & Cavanagh, P. (2009). Post-saccadic location judgments reveal remapping of saccade targets to non-foveal locations. Journal of Vision, 9(5):29, 1-9. download pdf file

Hunt, A.R., & Cavanagh, P. (2009). Looking ahead: The perceived direction of gaze shifts before the eyes move. Journal of Vision, 9(9):1, 1-7 download pdf file

Ito, H., Anstis, S., & Cavanagh, P. (2009). Illusory movement of dotted lines. Perception, 38, 1405-1409. download pdf file

Knapen, T., Rolfs, M., & Cavanagh, P. (2009). The reference frame of the motion aftereffect is retinotopic. Journal of Vision, 9(5):16, 1-6. download pdf file

Afraz, S.R., & Cavanagh, P. (2008). Retinotopy of the face aftereffect. Vision Research, 48, 42-54. download pdf file

Alvarez, G.A., & Cavanagh, P. (2008). Visual short-term memory operates more efficiently on boundary features than on surface features. Perception & Psychophysics, 70(2), 346-364. download pdf file

Battelli, L., Walsh, V., Pascual-Leone, A., & Cavanagh, P. (2008). The 'when' parietal pathway explored by lesion studies. Current Opinion in Neurobiol.ogy, 18, 20-126. download pdf file

Butcher, S., & Cavanagh, P. (2008). Unilateral field advantage for detecting repeated elements. Perception & Psychophysics, 70, 714-724. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P., Chao, J., & Wang, D. (2008). Reflections in art. Spatial Vision, 21(3), 261-270. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P., Holcombe, A.O., & Chou, W. (2008). Mobile computation : spatiotemporal intregration of the properties of objects in motion. Journal of Vision, 8(12:1), 1-23. download pdf file

Holcombe, A.O., & Cavanagh, P. (2008). Independent, synchronous access to color and motion features. Cognition, 107, 552-580. download pdf file

Pepperberg, I.M., Vicinay, J., & Cavanagh, P. (2008). Processing of the Müller-Lyer illusion by a Grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus). Perception, 37, 765-781. download pdf file

Vaziri-Pashkam, M., & Cavanagh, P. (2008). Apparent speed increases at low luminance. Journal of Vision, 8, 1-12. download pdf file

Aghdaee, S. M., & Cavanagh, P (2007). Temporal limits of long-range phase discrimination across the visual field. Vision Research, 47, 2156-63. download pdf file

Battelli, L. , Pascual-Leone, A. , & Cavanagh, P. (2007). The 'when' pathway of the right parietal lobe. Trends in Cognitive Science, 11, 204-10. download pdf file

Carlson, T.A., Alvarez, G.A., & Cavanagh, P. (2007). Quadrantic deficit reveals anatomical constraints on selection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104, pdf file

Carter, O. , & Cavanagh, P. (2007). Onset rivalry: brief presentation isolates an early independent phase of perceptual competition. PLoS ONE, 2, e343. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. & VanRullen, R. (2007). La résolution de l’attention: le grain spatial et temporal de la conscience visuelle. In George Michael (ed.) Les dimensions de l’attention visuelle, Marseille: Solal, pp. pdf file

Chakravarthi, R., & Cavanagh, P. (2007). Temporal properties of the polarity advantage effect in crowding. Journal of Vision, 7(2):11, 1-13 ,, doi:10.1167/7.2.11. download pdf file

Van Rullen, R., Carlson, T., & Cavanagh, P. (2007). The blinking spotlight of attention. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104, pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (2006). Les licences de Fra Carnevale. Pour la Science, 16, 637-643. download pdf file

Ho, C. S., Paul, P. S., Asirvatham, A., Cavanagh, P., Cline, R., Giaschi, D. E. (2006). Abnormal spatial selection and tracking in children with amblyopia. Vision Research, 46, 3274-83. download pdf file

Ito, H., Anstis, S. M., & Cavanagh, P. (2006). Background stripes affect apparent speed of rotation. Perception, 35, 959-964. download pdf file

Shim WM, Cavanagh P. (2006). Bi-directional illusory position shifts toward the end point of apparent motion. Vision Research, 46, 3214-22. download pdf file

Alvarez, G. A., & Cavanagh, P. (2005). Independent resources for attentional tracking in the left and right visual fields. Psychological Science, 16, 637-643. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (2005) The artist as neuroscientist. Nature, 434, 301-307. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P., & Alvarez, G. (2005). Tracking multiple targets with multifocal attention. TICS, 9, 349-354. download pdf file

Ostrovsky, Y., Cavanagh, P., & Sinha, P. (2005). Perceiving illumination inconsistencies in scenes. Perception, 34, 1301-14. download pdf file

Shim, W. M., & Cavanagh, P. (2005). Attentive tracking shifts the perceived location of a nearby flash. Vision Research, 45, 3253-3261. dowload pdf file

Alvarez, G. A., & Cavanagh, P. (2004) The capacity of visual short-term memory is set both by visual information load and by number of objects. Psychological Science, 15, 106-111. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (2004). Attention routines and the architecture of selection. In Michael Posner (ed.), Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention. New York: Guilford Press, pp. pdf file

Cavanagh, P., von Grünau, M., & Zimmerman, L. (2004). View dependence of 3D recovery from folded pictures and warped 3D faces. IEEE Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission, pdf file

Rensink, R. A., & Cavanagh, P. (2004). The influence of cast shadows on visual search. Perception, 33, pdf file

Shim, W. M., & Cavanagh, P. (2004).The motion-induced position shift depends on the perceived direction of bistable quartet motion. Vision Research, 44, 2393-2401. download pdf file

Tse, P., Intriligator, J., Rivest, J., & Cavanagh, P. (2004). Attention and the subjective expansion of time. Perception & Psychophysics, 66, 1171-1189. download pdf file

Battelli, L., Cavanagh, P., & Thornton, I. M. (2003). Perception of biological motion in parietal patients. Neuropsychologia, 41, 1808-1816. download pdf file

Battelli, L., Martini, P., Barton, J. S. S., & Cavanagh, P. (2003). Bilateral deficits of transient visual attention in right parietal patients. Brain, 126, pdf file

Whitney, D. V., & Cavanagh, P. (2003). Motion adaptation shifts apparent position without the motion aftereffect. Perception & Psychophysics, 65, 1011-1018. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (2003). The language of vision. The Perception 2003 Lecture. ECVP, Paris, September. Perception, 32, 1. view PowerPoint slides

Cavanagh, P., & Anstis, S. (2002). The boogie woogie illusion. Perception, 31, 1005-1011. download pdf file

Sasaki, Y., Murakami, I., Cavanagh, P., & Tootell, R. (2002). Human brain activity during illusory visual jitter as revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neuron, 35, 1147-1156. download pdf file

Tripathy, S. P., & Cavanagh, P. (2002). The extent of crowding in peripheral vision does not scale with target size. Vision Research, 42, 2357- download pdf file.

Battelli, L., Cavanagh, P., Intriligator, J., Tramo, M. J., Hénaff, M.-A., Michel, F., & Barton, J. J. S. (2001). Unilateral right parietal damage leads to bilateral deficit for high-level motion. Neuron, 32, 985-995. download pdf file

Cavanagh P. (2001). Seeing the forest but not the trees (News and Views). Nature Neuroscience, 4, 673-674. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P., Labianca, A. T., & Thornton, I. M. (2001). Attention-based visual routines: Sprites. Cognition, 80, 47-60. download pdf file

Culham, J. C., Cavanagh, P., & Kanwisher, N. G. (2001)Attention response functions: characterizing brain areas with fmri activation during parametric variations of attentional load. Neuron, 32, 737-745. download pdf file

Holcombe, A. O., & Cavanagh, P. (2001). Early binding of feature pairs for visual perception. Nature Neuroscience, 4, 127-128. download pdf file

Intriligator, J., & Cavanagh, P. (2001). The spatial resolution of visual attention. Cognitive Psychology, 43, pdf file

Murakami, I., & Cavanagh, P. (2001). Visual jitter: evidence for visual-motion-based compensation of retinal slip due to small eye movements. Vision Research, 41, 173-186. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. & Barton, J.J.S. (2001). Lights from beyond the visual field are not seen. Journal of Vision, 1(3), 129a, , DOI 10.1167/1.3.129. view PowerPoint slides

Cavanagh, P, & Kennedy, J. M. (2000). Close Encounters: Details Veto Depth from Shadows. Science (Letters), 287, 2423-2424. download pdf file

Culham, J. C., Verstraten, F. A. J., Ashida, H., & Cavanagh, P. (2000). Independent aftereffects of attention and motion. Neuron, 28, 607-615. download pdf file

Shioiri, S., Cavanagh, P., Miyamoto, T., & Yaguchi, H. (2000). Tracking the apparent location of targets in interpolated motion. Vision Research, 40, 1365-1376. download pdf file

Shioiri, S., & Cavanagh, P. (2000). Nonlinearity in color space measured by apparent motion. Perception & Psychophysics, 62, 1182-1190. download pdf file

Tse, P., & Cavanagh, P. (2000). Chinese and Westerners see opposite apparent motions in a kanji stimulus. Cognition, 74, B27-B32. download pdf file

Verstraten, F. A.J., Cavanagh, P. & Labianca, A. T. (2000). Limits of attentive tracking reveal temporal properties of attention. Vision Research, 40, 3651-64. download pdf file

Whitney, D. V., Cavanagh, P. (2000). The position of moving objects. Science (Technical Comments), 289, 1107. download pdf file

Whitney, D. V., Murakami, I., & Cavanagh, P. (2000). Illusory spatial offset of a flash relative to a moving stimulus is caused by differential latencies for moving and flashed stimuli. Vision Research, 40, 137-149. download pdf file

Whitney, D. V., & Cavanagh, P. (2000). Motion distorts visual space: shifting the perceived position of remote stationary objects. Nature Neuroscience, 3, 954-959. download pdf file

Whitney, D. V., Murakami, I., & Cavanagh, P. (2000). Temporal facilitation for moving stimuli is independent of changes in direction. Vision Research, 40, 3829-39. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P., He, S., & Intriligator, J. (1999). Attentional resolution: The grain and locus of visual awareness. In C. Taddei-Ferretti and C. Musio (Eds.), Neuronal basis and psychological aspects of consciousness., (pp. 41-52). Singapore: World Scientific. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (1999). Attention: Exporting vision to the mind. In C. Taddei-Ferretti and C. Musio (Eds.), Neuronal basis and psychological aspects of consciousness., (pp. 129-143). Singapore: World Scientific. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (1999). The Cognitive Impenetrability of Cognition: Commentary on Pylyshyn. Behavioral and Brian Sciences (1999) 22, 370-371. (NR) download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (1999). Pictorial art and vision. In Robert A. Wilson and Frank C. Keil (Eds.), MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, (pp. 648-651) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (1999). Top-down processing in vision. In Robert A. Wilson and Frank C. Keil (Eds.), MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, (pp. 844-845) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. download pdf file

Seiffert, A. E., & Cavanagh, P. (1999). Position-based motion perception for color and texture stimuli: Effects of contrast and speed. Vision Research, 39, 4172-4185. download pdf file

Anstis, S. M., Hatahajan, P., & Cavanagh, P. (1998). Optomotor test for wavelength sensitivity in guppyfish (Poecilia reticulata). Vision Research, 38, 45-53. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P., Hénaff, M.-A., Michel, F., Landis, T., Troscianko, T. Intriligator, J. (1998). Complete sparing of high-contrast color input to motion perception in cortical color blindness. Nature Neuroscience , 1, 242-247. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (1998). Attention: Exporting vision to the mind. In S. Saida and P. Cavanagh (Eds.) Selection and integration of visual information, (pp. 3-11). Tsukuba, Japan: STA & NIBH-T. download pdf file

Culham, J. C., Brandt, S. A., Cavanagh, P., Kanwisher, N. G., Dale, A. M., & Tootell, R. B. H. (1998). Cortical fMRI activation produced by attentive tracking of moving targets. Journal of Neurophysiology, 80, 2657-2670. download large pdf file.

Culham, J. C. et al. (1998) Higher order effects. In G. Mather, F. A. J. Verstraten, and S. M. Anstis (Eds.) The motion aftereffect: a modern perspective. Cambridge, MA: MIT press, 85-124. download pdf file

Hadjikhani, N. K., Liu, A. K., Cavanagh, P., Dale, A. M. & Tootell, R. B. H. Retinotopy and color sensitivity in human visual cortical area V8. Nature Neuroscience , 1, 235-241. download pdf file

Moore, C., & Cavanagh, P. (1998). Recovery of 3D volume from 2-tone images of novel objects. Cognition, 67, 45-71. download pdf file

Murakami, I, & Cavanagh, P. (1998). Stabilizing the visual world: A jitter aftereffect reveals motion-based correction. Nature, 395 , 798-801. download pdf file

Seiffert, A. E., & Cavanagh, P. (1998). Position displacement, not velocity, is the cue to motion detection of second-order stimuli. Vision Research, 39, 38, 3569-3582. download pdf file

Suzuki, S., & Cavanagh, P. (1998). A shape-contrast effect for briefly presented stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance , 24, 1315-1341. download pdf file

Tse, P., Cavanagh, P., & Nakayama, K. (1998). The role of parsing in high-level motion processing. In Takeo Watanabe (ed.), High level motion processing. (pp. 249-266), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. dowload pdf file

Wainwright, M. & Cavanagh, P. (1998, not). Static and flicker motion aftereffects in a velocity space. Unpublished manuscript of ARVO 1997 Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 38, S374 download BIG pdf file, 5MB!

Cavanagh, P. (1997). Predicting the present. Nature (News and Views), 386, 19-21. download pdf file

Chun, M. M., & Cavanagh, P. (1997). Seeing two as one: Linking apparent motion and repetition blindness. Psychological Science, 8 , 74-79. download pdf file

He, S., Cavanagh, P., & Intriligator, J. (1997). Attentional resolution. Trends in Cognitive Science, 1, 115-121. download pdf file

Suzuki, S., & Cavanagh, P. (1997). Focused attention distorts visual space: An attentional repulsion effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance , 2, pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (1996). Vision is getting easier every day. Perception, 24, 1227-1232. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (1996). When colours move (News and Views). Nature, 379 , 26. dowload pdf file

Hadyuk, S., Bruck, M. & Cavanagh, P. (1996). Low-level visual processing skills of adults and children with dyslexia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 13, 975-1015. dowload pdf file

He, S., Cavanagh, P., & Intriligator, J. (1996). Attentional resolution and the locus of awareness. Nature, 383, 334-338. dowload pdf file

Watanabe, T., & Cavanagh, P. (1996). Texture laciness. Perception, 25, 293-304. download pdf file

West, M., Spillmann, L., Cavanagh, P., Mollon, J., & Hamlin, S. (1996). Susanne Liebmann in the critical zone. Perception , 25, 1451-1495. download big (11MB!) pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (1995). Is there low-level motion processing for non-luminance-based stimuli? In Thomas V. Papathomas, Charles Chubb, Andrei Gorea, and Eileen Kowler (eds.) Early vision and beyond. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 113-120. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P., Saida, S., & Rivest, J. (1995). The contribution of color to motion parallax. Vision Research ., 13, 1871-1878. download pdf file

Rivest, J., & Cavanagh, P. (1995). Localizing contours defined by more than one attribute. Vision Research , 36, 53-66. download pdf file

Seltzer, S, Cavanagh, P. (1995). Enhanced displays of medical images: Evaluation of the effectiveness of color, motion and contour for detection and localization of liver lesions. Academic Radiology, 2, 748-755. download pdf file

Suzuki, S., & Cavanagh, P. (1995). Facial organization blocks access to low-level features: an object inferiority effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance , 21, 901-913. download pdf file

Zimmerman, D. L., Legge, G. E., & Cavanagh, P. (1995). Pictorial depth cues: A new slant. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 12, 17-26. download pdf file

Arguin, M., Cavanagh, P., & Joanette, Y. (1994). Visual feature integration with an attentional deficit. Brain and Cognition , 24, 44-56. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. Michel, F., Hénaff, M.-A., & Landis, T. (1994). Cortical colour blindness spares colour input to motion perception. In M. Sugishita (ed.) New horizons in neuropsychology . Shannon: Elsevier, 115-123. download pdf file

Culham, J. C. & Cavanagh, P. (1994). Motion capture of luminance stimuli by equiluminous color gratings and by attentive tracking. Vision Research., 34, 2701-2706. dowload pdf file

Rivest, J., Cavanagh, P., & Lassonde, M. (1994). Interhemispheric depth judgement. Neuropsychologia, 32, 69-76. dowload pdf file

Wang, Q., Cavanagh, P., & Green, M. (1994). Familiarity and pop-out in visual search. Perception & Psychophysics , 56, 495-500. download pdf file

Arguin, M., Joanette, Y., & Cavanagh, P. (1993). Visual search for feature and conjunction targets with an attention deficit. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 5, 436-452. download pdf file

Arguin, M., Cavanagh, P., & Joanette, Y. (1993). A lateralized alerting deficit in left brain-damaged patients. Psychobiology , 21, 307-323. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (1993). The perception of form and motion. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 3, 177-182. download pdf file

Watanabe, T., & Cavanagh, P. (1993). Transparent surfaces defined by implicit X junctions. Vision Research , 33, pdf file

Watanabe, T., & Cavanagh, P. (1993). Surface decomposition in subjective transparency. Spatial Vision , 7, 95-111. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (1992). Attention-based motion perception. Science, 257 , 1563-1565. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P., Adelson, E. H., & Heard, P. (1992). Vision with equiluminant colour contrast: 2. A large-scale technique and observations. Perception, 21, 219-226. dowload pdf file

Jolicoeur, P., & Cavanagh, P. (1992). Mental rotation, physical rotation, and surface media. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance , 18, 371-384. download pdf file

Shioiri, S., & Cavanagh, P. (1992). Visual persistence of figures defined by relative motion. Vision Research , 32, 943-951. download pdf file

Shioiri, S., & Cavanagh, P. (1992). Achromatic form perception is based on luminance not brightness. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 9 , 1672-1681. download pdf file

Watanabe, T., & Cavanagh, P. (1992). Depth capture and transparency of regions bounded by illusory, chromatic, and texture contours. Vision Research, 32, 527-532. download pdf file

Watanabe, T., & Cavanagh, P. (1992).The role of transparency in perceptual grouping and pattern recognition. Perception , 21, 133-139. download pdf file

Watanabe, T., Zimmerman, L., & Cavanagh, P. (1992).Orientation-contingent color aftereffects mediated by subjective transparent surfaces. Perception & Psychophysics, 52, 161-166. download pdf file

Bruck, M., Cavanagh, P., & Ceci, S. J. (1991). Fortysomething: Recognizing faces at one’s 25th reunion. Memory & Cognition, 19, 221-228. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (1991). Short-range vs long-range motion: not a valid distinction. Spatial Vision , 5, 303-309. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (1991). The contribution of color to motion. In A. Valberg and B. B. Lee (eds.) From pigments to perception. New York: Plenum, pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (1991). What's up in top-down processing? In A. Gorea (ed.) Representations of Vision: Trends and Tacit Assumptions in Vision Research , Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 295-304. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (1991). Vision at equiluminance. In J. J. Kulikowski, I. J. Murray, and V. Walsh (eds.) Vision and Visual Dysfunction Volume V: Limits of Vision . Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 234-250. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P., & Anstis, S. M. (1991).The contribution of color to motion in normal and color-deficient observers Vision Research , 31, 2109-2148. download pdf file

Tyler, C. W., & Cavanagh, P. (1991). Purely chromatic perception of motion in depth: Two eyes as sensitive as one. Perception & Psychophysics, 49, 53-61. download pdf file

Watanabe, T., & Cavanagh, P. (1991). Texture and motion spreading, the aperture problem, and transparency. Perception & Psychophysics, 50, 459-464. download pdf file

Arguin, M., Joanette, Y., & Cavanagh, P. (1990). Comparing the cerebral hemispheres on the speed of spatial shifts of visual attention: Evidence from serial search. Neuropsychologia , 28, 733-736. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P., Arguin, M., & Treisman, A., (1990). Effect of surface medium on visual search for orientation and size features. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 16, pdf file

Flanagan, P., Cavanagh, P., & Favreau, O.E. (1990). Independent orientation-selective mechanisms for the cardinal directions of colour space. Vision Research 30 , 769-778. download pdf file

Shioiri, S., & Cavanagh, P. (1990). ISI produces reverse apparent motion. Vision Research 30, pdf file.

Cavanagh, P. (1989). Multiple analyses of orientation in the visual system. In Dominic Lam and Charles Gilbert (eds.) Neural Mechanisms of Visual Perception, Woodlands, TX: Portfolio Publishing, 261-280. download pdf file.

Cavanagh, P., Arguin, M., & von Grünau, M., (1989). Interattribute apparent motion. Vision Research, 29, 1197-1204. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P., & Leclerc, Y. (1989). Shape from shadows. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 15, 3-27. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P., & Mather, G. (1989). Motion: the long and short of it. Spatial Vision 4, 103-129. download pdf file.

Maurer, D., Lewis, T., Cavanagh, P., & Anstis, S. M. (1989). Testing the luminous efficiency of colors in babies. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 297-303. download pdf file.

Shioiri, S., & Cavanagh, P. (1989). Saccadic suppression of low-level motion. Vision Research, 29, 915-928. download pdf file.

Shioiri, S., & Cavanagh, P. (1989). [Classification of motion perception]. Kogaku 18, 516-523. download pdf file. download pdf file.

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Cavanagh, P. (1988). Pathways in early vision. In Zenon Pylyshyn (ed.) Computational processes in human vision: An interdisciplinary perspective, Norwood, N. J.: Ablex, 254-289. download pdf file

Frost, B. J., Cavanagh, P., & Morgan, B. (1988). Deep tectal cells in pigeons respond to kinematograms. Journal of Comparative Physiology 162, 639-647. download pdf file

Lassonde, M., Perenin, M. T., Tassinari, G., Corbetta, M., & Cavanagh, P. (1988). Central mechanisms of stereopsis in man. Advances in the Biosciences 70, 95-98. download pdf file.

Murasugi, C. M., & Cavanagh, P. (1988). Anisotropy in the chromatic channel. Spatial Vision, 281-292. download pdf file

Anstis, S. M., Cavanagh, P., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T. (1987). Optokinetic technique for measuring infant's responses to color. Applied Optics 27, 1510-1516. download pdf file

Cavanagh, P. (1987). Reconstructing the third dimension: Interactions between color, texture, motion, binocular disparity and shape. Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing 37, pdf file

Cavanagh, P., Anstis, S.M., & MacLeod, D.I.A. (1987). Equiluminance: Spatial and temporal factors and the contribution of blue-sensitive cones. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 4, 1428-1438. download pdf file.

Gaska, J.P., Pollen, D.A., & Cavanagh, P. (1987). Diversity of complex cell responses to even- and odd-symmetric luminance profiles in the visual cortex of the cat. Experimental Brain Research 68, 249-259. download pdf file

Ramachandran, V.S., & Cavanagh, P. (1987). Motion capture anistropy.Vision Research 27, 97-10. download pdf file

Anstis, S. M., Cavanagh, P., Maurer, D., Lewis, T., MacLeod, D. I. A., Mather, G. (1986). Computer-generated screening test for colorblindness. Color Research and Application Suppl. 11, pdf file

Cavanagh, P., & Anstis, S. M. (1986). Brightness shift in drifting ramp gratings isolates a transient mechanism. Vision Research 25, 899-908. download pdf file.

Cavanagh, P. (1985). Local log polar frequency analysis in the striate cortex as a basis for size and orientation invariance. In D. Rose & V. G. Dobson (eds.) Models of the visual cortex. London: John Wiley & Sons, 85-95. download pdf file.

Cavanagh, P., Boeglin, J., & Favreau, O. E. (1985). Perception of motion in equiluminous kinematograms. Perception 14, pdf file.

Cavanagh, P., & Favreau, O. E. (1985). Color and luminance share a common motion pathway. Vision Research 25, 1595-1601. download pdf file.

Mather, G., Cavanagh, P., & Anstis, S. M. (1985). A moving display which opposes short-range and long-range signals. Perception 14, 163-166. download pdf file. download pdf file.

Meunier, J., & Cavanagh, P. (1985). Efficacité de la mémoire associative inhérente à la potentiation post-tétanique. Biological Cybernetics 52, 159-171. download pdf file.

Ramachandran, V. S., & Cavanagh, P. (1985). Subjective contours capture stereopsis. Nature 316, 527-530. download pdf file.

Zucker, S. W., & Cavanagh, P. (1985). Subjective figures and texture perception. Spatial Vision 1, 131-139. download pdf file.

Brussell, E. M., & Cavanagh, P. (1984). An anticipated threshold technique for measuring contrast sensitivity. American Journal of Optometry and Physiological Optics 61, 125-126. download pdf file.

Cavanagh, P. (1984). Image transforms in the visual system. In P. C. Dodwell & T. Caelli (eds.) Figural synthesis. Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 185-218. download pdf file.

Cavanagh, P., Anstis, S. M., & Mather, G. (1984). Screening for color blindness using optokinetic nystagmus. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 25, 463-466. download pdf file.

Cavanagh, P., Tyler, C. W., & Favreau, O. E. (1984). Perceived velocity of moving chromatic gratings. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 1, 893-899. download pdf file.

Favreau, O. E., & Cavanagh, P. (1984). Interocular transfer of a chromatic frequency shift: Temporal constraints. Vision Research 24, 1799-1805. download pdf file.

Ménard-Buteau, C., & Cavanagh, P. (1984). Localisation de l'interférence forme/couleur au niveau perceptuel dans une tâche de type Stroop avec des stimuli-dessins. Revue Canadienne de Psychologie 38, 421-439. download pdf file.

Pollen, D. A., Nagler, M., Daugman, J., Kronauer, R., & Cavanagh, P. (1984). Use of Gabor elementary functions to probe receptive field substructure of posterior inferotemporal neurons in the owl monkey. Vision Research 24, 233-241. download pdf file.

Anstis, S. M., & Cavanagh, P. (1983). A minimum motion technique for judging equiluminance. In J. D. Mollon & L. T. Sharpe (eds.) Colour vision: Psychophysics and physiology. London: Academic Press, pdf file.

Favreau, O. E., & Cavanagh, P. (1983). Interocular transfer of a chromatic frequency shift. Vision Research 23, pdf file.

Cavanagh, P. (1982). Functional size invariance is not provided by the cortical magnification factor. Vision Research 22, 1409-1413. download pdf file.

Anstis, S. M., & Cavanagh, P. (1981). What goes up need not come down: Moving flickering edges give positive motion aftereffects. In J. B. Long & A. D. Baddeley (eds.) Attention and performance IX, 63-78. download pdf file.

Cavanagh, P. (1981). Size invariance: Reply to Schwartz. Perception 10, 469-474. download pdf file.

Cavanagh, P., Brussell, E. M., & Stober, S. R. (1981). Evidence against independent processing of black and white pattern features. Perception & Psychophysics 29, 423-428. download pdf file.

Favreau, O. E., & Cavanagh, P. (1981). Color and luminance: Independent frequency shifts. Science 212, 831-832. download pdf file.

Cavanagh, P., & Anstis, S. M. (1980). Visual psychophysics on the Apple II: Getting started. Behavior Research Methods and Instrumentation 12, 614-626. download pdf file.

Cavanagh, P., & Favreau, O. E. (1980). Motion aftereffect: A global mechanism for the perception of rotation. Perception 9, 175-182. download pdf file.

Anstis, S.M., & Cavanagh, P. (1979). Adaptation to frequency shifted auditory feedback. Perception & Psychophysics 26, 449-458. download pdf file.

Cavanagh, P. (1978). Subharmonics in adaptation to sine wave gratings. Vision Research 18, pdf file.

Cavanagh, P. (1978). Size and position invariance in the visual system. Perception 7, 167-177. download pdf file.

Gagnon, M., Cavanagh, P., & Laurencelle, L. (1978). Processing differences between memory search and foveal visual search. Perception & Psychophysics 23, pdf file.

Cavanagh, P. (1977). Locus of rotation effects in recognition. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10, 101-104. download pdf file.

Cavanagh, P. (1976). Holographic and trace strength models of rehearsal effects in the item recognition task. Memory and Cognition 4, pdf file.

Cavanagh, J.P. (1975). Two classes of holographic processes realizable in the neural realm. In T. Storer & D. Winter (eds). Formal Aspects of Cognitive Processes. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pdf file

Cavanagh, J.P. (1972). Relation between the immediate memory span and the memory search rate. Psychological Review 79, 525-53. download pdf file.

Cavanagh, J.P., & Parkman, J.M. (1972). Search processes for detecting repeated items in a visual display. Perception & Psychophysics 11,43-45. download pdf file.

Cavanagh, J.P., & Parkman, J.M. (1971). A comparison of the study-recall and anticipation methods in steady state paired-associates learning. Psychonomic Science 22,361-363. download pdf file.

Cavanagh, J.P., & Chase, W.G. (1971). The equivalence of target and nontarget processing in visual search. Perception & Psychophysics 9,493-495. download pdf file.

Cavanagh, J. P. (1972). Holographic processes realizable in the neural realm: Prediction of short term memory performance. Doctoral dissertation, Carnegie-Mellon pdf file


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